return water temperature中文什么意思

发音:   用"return water temperature"造句
  • return:    vi. 1.回转,回来,回去,返回, ...
  • water:    n. 1.水;雨水;露;〔常作 pl ...
  • temperature:    n. 1.温度,气温。 2.体温。 ...
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  1. Presents the on - off control mode of refrigerating machine by supply and return water temperature difference and load proportion with an example
  2. Presents two common heat recovery methods for water cooling chillers . recommends the control scheme by monitoring the return water temperature . presents two design schemes for chilled water systems
  3. The hvac system did not work well in yifu library of beijing university of technology , so we have a local investigation . finally we found out the reason for “ cold in winter and hot in summer ” . in may eighth , we tested the temperature of reading room 、 office ; supply and return water temperature ; water flow and the velocity of fan coil units . we simulate the library with energyplus , which is developed by u . s . a , compared the simulation results with the true temperature and they anastomosed well . on the basis of good simulation results , we simulate the hot day in summer and the cold day in witer and get the temperature of the reading room and the office


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  2. return water 什么意思
  3. return water pipe 什么意思
  4. return water storage tank 什么意思
  5. return water temperataure 什么意思
  6. return wave 什么意思
  7. return wheel 什么意思
  8. return when done 什么意思
  9. return wire 什么意思
  10. return wire leading roll 什么意思


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